\documentclass[tikz,border=50pt]{standalone}% https://tikz.jp/dora/ \usetikzlibrary{shapes.callouts} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[draw, line width=1pt, even odd rule, xscale=-1] % body \filldraw[fill=blue!30] (1.2,-5) to[out=290, in=45] (0,-7.7) -- (-2.3,-6.7) to[out=150, in=20] (-3.8,-6.45) -- (-4.2,-4) to[out=30, in=150] (-3.6,-4) -- (-3.53,-3.6) to[out=150,in=210] (-3.2,-2.2) --(2,-4) --cycle; % belly \filldraw[fill=white, rotate=-20] (-0.1,-4.8) ellipse (2 and 1.4); % pocket \draw (-0.25,-4.85) to[out=260, in=260, looseness=1.5] (-3.15,-3.85) to[bend right=20] cycle; % arms, hands \filldraw[fill=blue!30, rotate=13] (0.7,-5) ellipse (0.66 and 1.4); \filldraw[fill=white, rotate=20] (0,-6.6) ellipse (0.75 and 0.65); \draw (-3.7,-3.4) to [bend right=90] (-3.8,-3.93); \filldraw[rotate=-16, red] (0.1,-3) ellipse (2.6 and 0.9); % golden bell \filldraw[fill=yellow] (-1.9,-3.9) circle (0.55); \filldraw[fill=black!70, rotate=-30] (0.18,-4.45) ellipse (0.15 and 0.08); \draw[thick] (-1.36,-4.05) to[bend right=10] (-2.38,-3.65); \draw[thick] (-1.36,-3.95) to[bend right=10] (-2.34,-3.55); \draw[thick] (-2.1,-4) to[bend right=30] (-2,-4.43); % head \filldraw[fill=blue!30] ellipse (4 and 3.6); \filldraw[rotate=-20,fill=white] (-0.24,-0.88) ellipse (3.55 and 2.8); % eyes \draw[rotate=-25, fill=white] (-1.8,1.4) ellipse (0.74 and 1.1); \draw[rotate=-10, fill=white] (0.22,1.6) ellipse (0.85 and 1.15); \filldraw[rotate=-13] (-1.2,1.45) ellipse (0.2 and 0.3) ellipse (0.09 and 0.14) (0.27,1.4) ellipse (0.2 and 0.33) ellipse (0.09 and 0.14); % nose \draw (-1,0.2) to[bend right=10] (-1.5,-2); \filldraw[rotate=-13, fill=red] (-0.95,0.5) circle (0.57) ++(-0.2,0.1) circle (0.15); % feet \filldraw[fill=white, rotate=17] (-6,-3.6) ellipse (1 and 1.65); \filldraw[fill=white, rotate=15] (-2.7,-6.2) ellipse (1.24 and 1.55); % smile \draw (-2.8,0.26) to [out=90, in=100, looseness=1.8] (-3.8,0) to[out=280, in=250] (2.5,-0.7); % whiskers \draw (0.2,-0.1) --++ (2.3,0.05); \draw (0.2,-0.5) --++ (2.4,-0.5); \draw (0.15,-0.9) --++ (2.1,-0.9); \draw (-2,0.75) --++ (-1.3,1.2); \draw (-2.3,0.4) --++ (-1.7,0.75); \draw (-2.5,-0.1) --++ (-1.7,0.26); \node[ellipse callout, draw, callout relative pointer={(-3.3,1)}] at (-10,-3) {\LARGE$\displaystyle\int_0^1 \sqrt{|2x-5x^2+4x^3-x^4|}dx$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
For Kta.